

我正在使用Visual Studio 2015中的OpenCV 3.2.0版,并且能够访问我的网络摄像头,直到今天早晨我正在使用它时突然之间.我不知道这个问题是从哪里来的.我现在得到:

I am working with OpenCV version 3.2.0 in Visual Studio 2015 and have been able to access my webcam until all of a sudden when I was working on it this morning. I can't figure out where this problem is coming from. I now get:


It doesn't throw any errors but it also doesn't show any input through the webcam

#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    VideoCapture cap;
    if (!cap.isOpened())
        printf("--(!)Error opening video capture\n");
        return -3;

    Mat image;
    namedWindow("Image", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
    while (1)

        imshow("Image", image);

    return 0;


Has anyone encountered this error before?


我的网络摄像头可用于Google Hangouts之类的事情,所以我认为这不是网络摄像头的问题.

My webcams that I have work in things like Google Hangouts so I don't think it's a webcam issue.

此外,我卸载了Visual Studio 2015,并安装了Visual Studio 2017,以查看重新安装是否可行,并且仍然获得相同的结果.

Also, I uninstalled Visual Studio 2015 and installed Visual Studio 2017 to see if reinstalling would work and still get the same results.

当我创建一个新的VideoCapture对象时,出现错误<information not available, no symboles loaded for opencv_world320d.dll>.我很确定我正确地包含了所有内容.

I am getting the error <information not available, no symboles loaded for opencv_world320d.dll> when I create a new VideoCapture object. I am pretty sure I have everything included correctly.

配置属性-> C/C ++->其他包含目录:$(OPENCV_BUILD)\include

Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Additional Include Directories:$(OPENCV_BUILD)\include


Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General:$(OPENCV_BUILD)\x64\vc14\lib


Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input:opencv_world320d.lib


@michael scolfield 所建议我的防病毒软件阻止了我的网络摄像头.我不知道如何排除我的Visual Studio目录,所以我只是尝试将其卸载并成功运行.拥有防病毒软件并使其正常运行将是很好的,所以我需要弄清楚这一点.但是对于临时而言,这将起作用.

As suggested by @michael scolfield, it was a problem with my antivirus blocking my webcam. I couldn't figure out how to exclude my Visual Studio directory so I just tried uninstalling it and it worked. It would be nice to have antivirus and have this working so I'll need to figure that out. But for temps this will work.


09-05 13:30