本文介绍了symfony2 动态数据库连接的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的 symfony2 项目有一个主数据库和许多子数据库.每个子数据库都是为每个用户创建的,数据库凭据存储在主数据库中.当用户登录时,从主数据库获取用户特定的数据库凭据,理想情况下应该建立子数据库连接.我用谷歌搜索了同样的东西,我遇到了许多解决方案,最后做了以下事情:

My symfony2 project has a main database and many child databases. Each child database is created for each user, the database credentials are stored in the main database. When the user logins, the user specific database credentials are fetched from the main database and the child database connection ideally should be established.I googled for the same, and I came accross a number of solutions and finally did the following:


    default_connection:       default
            dbname:           maindb
            user:             root
            password:         null
            host:             localhost
            dbname:           ~
            user:             ~
            password:         ~
            host:             localhost
    default_entity_manager:   default
            connection:       default
            auto_mapping:     true
            connection:       dynamic_conn
            auto_mapping:     true


I created a default connection to connect to the main database and an empty connection for the child database, similarly I created entity managers.Then I created default event listener and added the following code to the 'onKernelRequest':

public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event) //works like preDispatch in Zend
    //code to get db credentials from master database and stored in varaiables
    $connection = $this->container->get(sprintf('doctrine.dbal.%s_connection', 'dynamic_conn'));

    $refConn = new ReflectionObject($connection);
    $refParams = $refConn->getProperty('_params');
    $refParams->setAccessible('public'); //we have to change it for a moment

    $params = $refParams->getValue($connection);
    $params['dbname'] = $dbName;
    $params['user'] = $dbUser;
    $params['password'] = $dbPass;

    $refParams->setValue($connection, $params);


The above code sets the child database parameters and resets the dynamic_em entity manager.


When I do the following in some controller, it works fine and the data if fetched from the child database.

$getblog= $em->getRepository('BloggerBlogBundle:Blog')->findById($id); //uses doctrine

但是,当我使用以下代码中的安全上下文时,我收到错误NO DATABASE SELECTED".

But, when I use security context as seen in the following code, I get an error 'NO DATABASE SELECTED'.

$securityContext = $this->container->get('security.context');
$loggedinUserid = $securityContext->getToken()->getUser()->getId();



经过长时间的反复试验和谷歌搜索,我意识到在执行 onKernelRequest 之前设置了 security.context.现在的问题是如何将数据库连接细节注入security.context,以及在哪里注入?

After much time spent on trial and error, and googling around, I realized that security.context is set before the execution of onKernelRequest. Now the question is how to inject the database connection details into the security.context, and where to inject?

我们需要设置 DBAL 和安全上下文并创建安全令牌,然后我们才能操作数据库连接详细信息.

We need to get to a point where the DBAL and security context is set and security token is created, and we can manipulate database connection details.


Hence, as the person in the following link stated, I made changes to my code, as thats exactly what I would want to do.http://forum.symfony-project.org/viewtopic.php?t=37398&p=124413


That leaves me the following code add to my project:

#config.yml //remains unchanged, similar to above code


A compiler pass is created as follows:

// src/Blogger/BlogBundle/BloggerBlogBundle.php
namespace BloggerBlogBundle;

use SymfonyComponentHttpKernelBundleBundle;
use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionContainerBuilder;

use BloggerBlogBundleDependencyInjectionCompilerCustomCompilerPass;

class BloggerBlogBundle extends Bundle
    public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)

        $container->addCompilerPass(new CustomCompilerPass());


# src/Blogger/BlogBundle/DependencyInjection/Compiler/CustomCompilerPass.php

class CustomCompilerPassimplements CompilerPassInterface
    public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
        $connection_service = 'doctrine.dbal.dynamic_conn_connection';
        if ($container->hasDefinition($connection_service))
            $def = $container->getDefinition($connection_service);
            $args = $def->getArguments();
            $args[0]['driverClass'] = 'BloggerBlogBundleUserDependentMySqlDriver';
            $args[0]['driverOptions'][] = array(new Reference('security.context'));
            $def->replaceArgument(0, $args[0]);


# src/Blogger/BlogBundle/UserDependentMySqlDriver.php

use DoctrineDBALDriverPDOMySqlDriver;

class UserDependentMySqlDriver extends Driver
    public function connect(array $params, $username = null, $password = null, array $driverOptions = array())
        $dbname = .....  //store database name in variable
        $params['dbname'] = $dbname;
        return parent::connect($params, $username, $password, array());


The above code were added to my project, and I assume that this is the actual work around for to my problem.


But now I get the following error:

ServiceCircularReferenceException:检测到循环引用服务security.context",路径:profiler_listener -> profiler ->security.context -> security.authentication.manager ->fos_user.user_provider.username_email -> fos_user.user_manager ->学说.orm.dynamic_manager_entity_manager ->学说.dbal.dynamic_conn_connection".


How, can I get my code to work? I bet that I am doing something wrong here and I would appreciate any hints and help.



Here, you need to implement your own logic on your own, in your own business.

查看关于如何创建实体管理器"的 Doctrine 文档.

Take a look at documentation of Doctrine on "how to create an entity manager".

然后创建一个具有清晰 API 的服务:

Then create a service with a clear API:

$this->get('em_factory')->getManager('name-of-my-client'); // returns an EntityManager

你不能用默认的 DoctrineBundle 来做,它不能用于动态特性.

You can't do it with default DoctrineBundle, it's not usable for dynamic features.

class EmFactory
    public function getManager($name)
        // you can get those values:
        // - autoguess, based on name
        // - injection through constructor
        // - other database connection
        // just create constructor and inject what you need
        $params = array('username' => $name, 'password' => $name, ....);

        // get an EM up and running
        // see http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest/tutorials/getting-started.html#obtaining-the-entitymanager

        return $em;


这篇关于symfony2 动态数据库连接的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-26 07:27