我有一个使用 Skytap API (REST) 的 powershell 脚本.如果有错误,我想捕获错误,并尝试显示它.
I have a powershell script using the Skytap API (REST). I would like to catch the error, if there is one, and try to display it.
例如,我们正在更改 IP:
For example, we are changing the IP:
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://cloud.skytap.com/configurations/XXXXXX/vms/YYYYYY/interfaces/ZZZZZZ?ip= -Method PUT -Headers $headers
如果该 IP 用于其他地方,我将收到 409 冲突错误(请求格式正确,但与其他资源或权限冲突).
If the IP is used somewhere else, I will get the 409 Conflict Error (Request is well-formed but conflicts with another resource or permission).
我想检查错误是否是 409,然后告诉它做其他事情.
I would like to check if the error is 409 and then tell it to do something else about it.
这有点尴尬,但据我所知,这是唯一的方法,无需做更复杂的事情,比如使用 .NET 的 WebRequest 和 ConvertFrom-Json(或其他您期望的数据格式).
This is somewhat awkward but the only way to do it as far as I know without doing something more complicated like using .NET's WebRequest and ConvertFrom-Json (or whatever data format you are expecting).
try {
Invoke-RestMethod ... your parameters here ...
} catch {
# Dig into the exception to get the Response details.
# Note that value__ is not a typo.
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
这篇关于Invoke-RestMethod 的错误处理 - Powershell的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!