

在工作C code IM调用Python函数,有错误就Py_Initialize()的错误是导入错误:没有模块命名的网站。香港专业教育学院试图把Py_SetProgramName(的argv [0]),但它不工作。 cmd中调用cInterfacePython Test.py乘3 2(EXE是cInterfacePython)

when im running C code to call python functions, there's error on Py_Initialize() The error is ImportError: No module named site. Ive tried to put Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]) but it doesnt work. The cmd call is cInterfacePython Test.py multiply 3 2 (exe is cInterfacePython)



I had to muck about a bit with the PATH env-var as well as PYTHONPATH to make things work better when embedding.


Py_SetProgramName is not important, it's mostly for internal reference etc...

所以,我建议你找哪里Python是本地安装(这是可在Windows计算机上的注册表),并使用 SETENV 来PATH和PYTHONPATH设置为合适的东西。这将是PATH的python.exe目录(如上您的评论),以及设置PYTHONPATH到你从嵌入exe文件运行你自己的Python code和相关的库目录。

So, I suggest you find where python is installed locally (this is available in the registry on Windows machines) and use setenv to set PATH and PYTHONPATH to something appropriate. That would be the python.exe directory for PATH (as in your comment above), as well setting PYTHONPATH to the dir with your own python code and related libraries that you're running from the embedding exe.


Then run Py_Initialize and see if the right thing happens. If you need to modify PYTHONPATH afterward initialization, modify sys.path using PySys_SetPath().


08-19 16:28