struct SS {int a; int s;};
int main()
vector< SS> v;
v.push_back(SS {1,2});
struct SS {int a = 0; int s = 2;};
code>在函数'int main()':
错误:没有匹配的函数调用'SS :: SS(<大括号初始值列表>)'
v.push_back SS {1,2});
注意:constexpr SS :: SS()
struct SS {int a = 0; int s = 2;};
注意:constexpr SS :: SS(const SS&)
注意:constexpr SS :: SS(SS&&)
$ b
struct SS {int a = 0; int s = 2;};
SS s {1,2};
struct SS
SS(int a,int s) ,s(s){}
int a = 0;
int s = 2;
此限制已在C ++ 14中取消。
struct SS {int a; int s;};
int main ()
vector<SS> v;
v.push_back(SS{1, 2});
The code can be compiled without any error. However, when the struct is initialized in class, I got compilation error. Can anyone explain it?
struct SS {int a = 0; int s = 2;};
In function ‘int main()’:
error: no matching function for call to ‘SS::SS(<brace-enclosed initializer list>)’
v.push_back(SS{1, 2});
note: candidates are:
note: constexpr SS::SS()
struct SS {int a = 0; int s = 2;};
note: candidate expects 0 arguments, 2 provided
note: constexpr SS::SS(const SS&)
note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided
note: constexpr SS::SS(SS&&)
note: candidate expects 1 argument, 2 provided
In C++11, when you use non static data member initialization at the point of declaration like you do here:
struct SS {int a = 0; int s = 2;};
you make the class a non-aggregate. This means you can no longer initialize an instance like this:
SS s{1,2};
To make this initialization syntax work for a non-aggregate, you would have to add a two-parameter constructor:
struct SS
SS(int a, int s) : a(a), s(s) {}
int a = 0;
int s = 2;
This restriction has been lifted in C++14.
Note that you may want to add a default constructor for the class. The presence of a user-provided constructor inhibits the compiler generated default one.
See related reading here.
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