今天我尝试从 Eclipse 中启动我的 Android 应用程序,但没有任何反应.昨天一切正常.我尝试了一些东西,比如 adb kill-server、adb-start-server.在某些时候,我收到用户数据图像被另一个模拟器使用"错误,所以我开始删除 avd 图像中的 .lock 文件夹,但无济于事.
Today I tried to launch my Android app from within eclipse but nothing happened. Everything worked fine yesterday. I tried a few things like adb kill-server, adb-start-server. At some point I got the "user data image is used by another emulator" error, so I went about deleting the .lock folders in the avd image but to no avail.
我创建了一个新的 avd,但模拟器甚至没有从这个图像开始.我试着用
I created a new avd and the emulator doesnt even start with this image. I tried to start it with
emulator -avd avdname
->什么都没有.没有错误.emulator.exe 在任务管理器中运行.
->nothing. No error. emulator.exe is running in Taskmanager.
Windows 7Android SDK 工具,修订版 7
Windows 7Android SDK Tools, revision 7
Update: Now I know when I get the error
在 emulator.exe 已经挂在 Taksmanager 中之后,我尝试再次运行应用程序.
it's when I try to run the application again after the emulator.exe is already dangling in Taksmanager.
更新:等了 20 分钟.emulator.exe 只是以 00:00:00 cpu 时间坐在那里.
Update: waited for 20mins. emulator.exe is just sitting there with 00:00:00 cpu time.
When you say, "Everything worked fine yesterday", you should first ask yourself what you have changed since; have you installed anything that could interfere with the emulator?
就我个人而言,我会下载一个新的 Android SDK 副本,从您的 PATH
Personally, I would download a fresh copy of the Android SDK, remove the reference to the currently installed version from your PATH
, and add the new one.
我应该认为这会解决您的问题(至少,能够启动 AVD).
I should think that would solve your issue (at least, being able to start an AVD that is).
还有一点需要注意的是,AVD 有时启动速度很慢.在我的一台机器上,启动最多需要 7 分钟.所以试试emulator -avd avdname
One more thing to note is that the AVD can sometimes be quite slow to startup. On one of my machines, it has taken up to 7 minutes to boot up. So try emulator -avd avdname
, then go make a coffee and see if it works when you return :)