我一直在使用 Pocketsphinx Android 演示并收到错误消息:无法初始化识别器 java.io.IOException:无法初始化录音机.麦克风可能已在使用中."
I have been using Pocketsphinx Android demo and get the error: "Failed to init recognizer java.io.IOException: Failed to initialize recorder. Microphone might already be in use."
What does the error mean and what can I do to fix it ?
如果您将 Android 操作系统升级到 6 或已经是 6,则必须在运行时请求许可.Android OS 6 之后,Android manifest recorder 权限不够.如果您不请求权限,则会出现此错误.
If you upgrade your Android OS to 6 or it is already 6, you have to ask permission in runtime. Android manifest recorder permission is not enough after Android OS 6. It will give this error if you do not ask permission.
这篇关于Pocketsphinx Android 演示错误:“无法初始化识别器 java.io.IOException:无法初始化记录器.麦克风可能已经在使用中."的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!