I keep getting this error for the code below.
在阅读this后,我相信我的错误是成为 for 循环中的 it++
,我尝试将其替换为 next(it, 1)
Upon reading this, I believed my error to be the it++
in my for loop, which I tried replacing with next(it, 1)
but it didn't solve my problem.
My question is, is the iterator the one giving me the issue here?
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stack>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
struct Node
char vertex;
set<char> adjacent;
class Graph
Graph() {};
~Graph() {};
void addEdge(char a, char b)
Node newV;
set<char> temp;
set<Node>::iterator n;
if (inGraph(a) && !inGraph(b)) {
for (it = nodes.begin(); it != nodes.end(); it++)
if (it->vertex == a)
temp = it->adjacent;
newV.vertex = b;
n = nodes.find(newV);
temp = n->adjacent;
bool inGraph(char a) { return false; };
bool existingEdge(char a, char b) { return false; };
set<Node> nodes;
set<Node>::iterator it;
set<char>::iterator it2;
int main()
return 0;
不,而是 std::set
缺少自定义比较器导致了问题.意思是,编译器必须知道,如何对 Node
的 std::set
进行排序.通过提供合适的 operator<
No, rather the lack of custom comparator for std::set<Node>
causes the problem. Meaning, the compiler has to know, how to sort the std::set
of Node
s. By providing a suitable operator<
, you could fix it. See demo here
struct Node {
char vertex;
set<char> adjacent;
bool operator<(const Node& rhs) const noexcept
// logic here
return this->vertex < rhs.vertex; // for example
struct Compare final
bool operator()(const Node& lhs, const Node& rhs) const noexcept
return lhs.vertex < rhs.vertex; // comparision logic
// convenience type
using MyNodeSet = std::set<Node, Compare>;
// types
MyNodeSet nodes;
MyNodeSet::iterator it;
这篇关于C2676:二进制“<":“const _Ty"未定义此运算符或转换为预定义运算符可接受的类型的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!