我有一个二维数组的JSON对象,我需要使用Ajax.Request将它传递给PHP(这是我所知道的唯一方式). ...现在,我使用js函数手动序列化了数组...并以以下格式获取数据:s [] = 1& d [] = 3& [] = 4等....
Hi I have a JSON object that is a 2-dimentional array and I need to pass it to PHP using Ajax.Request (only way I know how). ...Right now I manually serialized my array using a js function...and get the data in this format: s[]=1&d[]=3&[]=4 etc. ....
my question is: Is there a way to pass the JSON object more directly/efficientely?..instead of serializing it myself?
Thanks for any suggestions,Andrew
您还可以使用Prototype的函数 toJSON()将数组转换为JSON对象.通过Ajax调用将其传递到服务器后,只需使用PHP函数 json_decode()即可解码对象.
You can also use Prototype's function toJSON() to convert an array into a JSON object. After passing it to server via Ajax call, simply use PHP's function json_decode() to decode the object.