我知道如何为生产禁用 swagger - 我只需要在配置类中添加注释 @Profile("!prod") :
I know how to disable swagger for production - i only need to add annotation @Profile("!prod") in configuration class:
public class SwaggerConfig {
添加注解的结果但结果是,swagger-ui.html 在浏览器中仍然可用,只是它是空的.我想知道是否有完全禁用它的解决方案,因此页面不会加载?
result of adding annotationBut the result is, that the swagger-ui.html still is available in browser, only its empty. I wonder is there solution to disable it fully, so the page will not load?
这可以通过 spring-security 通过阻止生产环境的 url 来简单地完成.请尝试:
this could be simply done with spring-security by blocking the url for the production environment. Please try :
向 pom.xml 添加依赖项(如果您使用的是 spring-boot):
Add dependency (if you are using spring-boot) to pom.xml :
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
它会发送 403 禁止状态.
It will send 403 forbidden status.
这篇关于Spring 禁用 Swagger-ui 进行生产的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!