有没有办法在 Scala 中重载采用多个参数列表的方法?例如.我想这样做:
Is there a way to overload methods in Scala that take multiple parameter lists? E.g. I'd like to do this:
def foo(a: Int)(b: Int)(c: Int): Int
def foo(a: Int)(b: Int): Int
I can define it like this, but trying to call the second method like this:
makes the compiler complain about "ambiguous reference to overloaded definition", which seems justified. Is there a way to achieve something like this? The last parameter might be considered optional in some cases, for example.
您不能为此使用重载,因为由于柯里化,将有两个 foo
You can't use overloading for this, since due to the currying there would be two foo
methods differing only in their return type.
您可以使用 Scala 2.8 的可选和命名参数来近似这一点,但您必须将该方法调用为 foo(1)(1)()
You can use Scala 2.8's optional and named parameters to approximate this, but you'd have to call the method as foo(1)(1)()
. E.g.,
object Hello {
def foo(a : String = "Hello,") : String = a
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println(foo() + foo(" world!"))
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