Why do extension methods require the declaring class to be static? Is it a compiler requirement?
It's dictated in the language specification, section 10.6.9 of the C# 4 spec:
It's not clear to me why all of these restrictions are necessary - other than potentially for compiler (and language spec) simplicity. I can see why it makes sense to restrict it to non-generic types, but I can't immediately see why they have to be non-nested and static. I suspect it makes the lookup rules considerably simpler if you don't have to worry about types contained within the current type etc, but I dare say it would be possible.
I suspect that the extra complexity of not having these restrictions was deemed less than the benefit gained.
Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting that it would make sense to have instance methods as extension methods - I'm suggesting that it would make sense to have a static extension method in a nested and/or non-static class.