本文介绍了C# 和 MySql 集成的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


C# 与 MySQL 的集成度如何?

How well does C# integrate with MySQL ?

我打算编写一个连接到数据库并显示记录的小型桌面应用程序.C# 和 MySQL 是一个很好的组合吗?

I am planning to write a small desktop application that connects to a Database and displays records. Is C# and MySQL a good combination ?

我应该使用 Java Swings 和 MySQL 吗?

Should I use Java Swings and MySQL ?



正如 Ralph Stevens 所建议的,您最好使用 SQL Server 2008 Express.Visual Studio 2008 与它完美集成,可以直接从数据库生成 Linq To Sql 管道代码.只需点击几下,您就可以以各种可以想象的方式处理数据库.

As Ralph Stevens suggested, you'd better go with SQL Server 2008 Express. Visual Studio 2008 integrates neatly with it and can generate Linq To Sql plumbing code right off the database. With a few clicks you are ready to handle the database in every way imaginable.

如果您编写 ASP .NET,还有一个额外的好处:包含实际数据库信息的 mdf 文件可以存储在 App_Data 文件夹中,并且与项目本身而不是数据库引擎一起使用.当您将代码分发给同事时,这会派上用场.

If you code ASP .NET, there is an added benefit: The mdf file that contains the actual database information can be stored in the App_Data folder and that goes with the project itself rather than the database engine. That comes in handly when you distribute the code to coworkers.

MySQL 与它的 .NET 连接器一起工作也一样好,但你会失去视觉上的好处.

MySQL would work just as well with its .NET Connector but you will lose the visual benefits.

这篇关于C# 和 MySql 集成的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-27 07:55