我需要将一些 netsuite 表导出到 mssql.我如何获取表结构并将该数据插入到 mssql .我需要将此数据用于我的分析工具.有人可以帮我吗?
I need to export some tables of netsuite to mssql. How can i get the table structure and will insert that data to mssql . I need to use this data for my analytics tool. Can anybody help me on this ?
我们为此目的购买了 SuiteAnalytics Connect 附加模块,并获得了对我们数据的 ODBC 连接访问权限.它并不便宜,但确实提供了相当不错的访问.您可以通过 SuiteTalk/RESTlets 来完成,但您必须构建自己的,除非这里的其他人已经或知道预先构建/编写的东西以这种方式下载数据.
We purchased the SuiteAnalytics Connect add-on module for this purpose and got ODBC connection access to our data. It's not cheap, but it does provide pretty good access. You can do it via SuiteTalk / RESTlets, but you'll have to build your own, unless someone else on here has or knows of something pre-built/written to download data that way.
这篇关于Netsuite 数据提取到数据库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!