我有一个程序,它不断从网站获取信息并不断更新。截至目前,我将所有信息存储在 arraylist
I have a program which is constantly getting information from a website and is constantly updating. As of now I store all that information in an arraylist
and then when I am done I write it to a text file.
I need to manipulate that information; however, it creates a massive text file and I can't constantly read and write information to a text file because it takes too long. So someone told me to look into using a database. The only database I have ever used was a MySQL database for a website, never with java.
Is there any way to make a database local? As in only on my computer (don't want to pay for web hosting when I am the only one accessing this information at my computer)? I was looking a little bit into SQLite but one of the things I saw was that it does not allow concurrency. I'm thinking of multi-threading my program and having it read and write different sections at the same time. Is this possible?
Basically what I'm asking for here is:
- 什么类型的我应该使用数据库吗?
- 如何在我的计算机上安装该数据库?
- 有关如何使用Java jdbc的一些信息?(正在阅读
- 任何上述任何教程(视频,文字等)
- What type of database should I use?
- How do I install that database on my computer?
- Some information on how to use Java jdbc?(was reading a little into it before)
- Any tutorials on any of the above (video, text, etc)
It sounds like your friend is correct and a database would greatly help you improve performance.
- 你真的可以使用任何类型的数据库。您甚至可以通过在本地安装MySQL并使用继续使用MySQL用Java连接。虽然可嵌入数据库可能是最简单的。一个选项是
- 无需安装 可嵌入数据库。只需将他们的库(.jar文件)添加到项目的构建路径中。当您连接到数据库时,通常可以告诉数据库使用文件系统上的某个位置来存储其数据。
- JDBC代表Java数据库连接。它是Java应用程序用于与数据库通信的API。 JDBC的一个重要特性是它(通常)与您正在谈论的数据库无关,因为用于访问任何数据库的API是相同的*。
- 这是一个教程JDBC:
- You can really use any type of database. You can even continue using MySQL by installing it locally and using Connector/J to connect in Java. Though embeddable databases are probably the easiest. One option is Hypersonic DB (HSQLDB)
- There is no need to "install" embeddable databases. Simply add their library (.jar file) to your project's build path. When you "connect" to the database, you can usually tell the database to use a location on your filesystem to store its data.
- JDBC stands for Java DataBase Connectivity. It is the API used by Java applications to communicate with databases. One of the important features of JDBC is that it (usually) does not matter which database you are talking to as the API for accessing any database is the same*.
- Here is one tutorial for JDBC: JDBC(TM) Database Access
*用于访问数据库的API - 例如发送查询和检索结果 - 通常是相同的,但JDBC无法隐藏SQL之类的差异。如果您使用像这样的ORM,通常可以更轻松地处理数据库之间的所有小的不兼容性。
*The API for accessing databases--e.g. sending queries and retrieving results--will generally be the same but JDBC can't hide differences in things like SQL. If you use an ORM like Hibernate, it can usually make it much easier to handle all the little incompatibilities between databases.