我一直在浏览 railstutorial.org 上的章节并使用 Rails 3.1.3,因为我很疯狂和/或想要挑战.我设法轻松地找出了大多数版本问题,但这个问题让我难住了一段时间.
I've been plowing through the chapters at railstutorial.org and been using Rails 3.1.3 because I'm crazy and/or wanted a challenge. I managed to figure out most version problems easily but this one stumped me for a while.
在 10.4.2 中,Michael Hartl 使用以下代码删除用户:
In 10.4.2, Michael Hartl uses the following code to delete users:
<%= link_to "delete", user, :method => :delete, :confirm => "You sure?",
:title => "Delete #{user.name}" %>
如果您在浏览器 (chrome) 中对其进行测试,而是将您发送到该用户页面,则它无法正常工作.
It doesn't work properly if you test it in the browser (chrome) and instead sends you to that user page.
It is supposed to work if you include this:
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
但它在 Rails 3.1 上失败了(不过它应该适用于 Rails 3.0,或者我听说).
but it fails with Rails 3.1 (it should work for Rails 3.0 though, or so I hear).
所以对于那些为使用 Rails 3.1 感到费解的人,这里是解决方案.
So for all of you pulling out your hair for using Rails 3.1, here's the solution.
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
使用application"而不是 :defaults 解决了这个问题,删除并确认应该可以工作,现在回到编码!
Using "application" instead of :defaults solves this problem, delete and confirm should work, now get back to coding!
特别感谢 George Shaw 在 https://stackoverflow.com/a/8350158/1127011 .
And it case you were wondering, title is for mouseover only.
这篇关于Rails 3.1 link_to 未正确显示确认或销毁的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!