I want to simulate a long key press of backquote key without selecting certain dom element, how can we achieve this using cypress?I have a functionality on my web app that will trigger when this key is pressed.
I have tried several code below and nothing works.
// 1st
cy.get('#sidepanel').trigger('keydown', { keycode: 192, release: false })
// 2nd
cy.get('body').type('`', { release: false })
// 3rd
cy.get('body').trigger('keydown', { keycode: 192, release: false })
cy.get('body').trigger('keyup', { keycode: 192, release: false })
I expect it will simulate the long and hold key press of backqoute, but it looks like the typing of backqoute only happens once and not hold.
我不知道为什么,但是几个月前尝试Zach Bloomquist回答时,它不起作用.刚才我再次尝试过,它有效.我在另一台计算机上尝试过该软件,然后重新安装了cypress 3.3.2版.不确定是否会产生不同的影响.
I don't know why, but when trying Zach Bloomquist answer months ago, it didn't work. Just now I tried again, it works. I tried it on different machine and re-install cypress version 3.3.2. Not really sure if it has different impact.
Somehow, solution from Zach does not give close to actual time key pressed. Running his solution actually will press the key for 28 seconds in Cypress runtime.
// expect: holding down for 5 seconds
// actual: cypress will hold the keys for 28 seconds
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
cy.get('body').trigger('keydown', { keycode: 192, release: false })
cy.get('body').trigger('keypress', { keycode: 192, release: false })
cy.get('body').trigger('keyup', { keycode: 192, release: false })
I have come up with simpler solution that match almost actual duration press time when run in cypress:
cy.get('body').trigger('keydown', { keyCode: 192 })
cy.get('body').trigger('keyup', { keyCode: 192 })
If you see clearly this solution the same like my third alternative in the question. Before it didn't work, but now it works. What I noticed different is the browser type when Cypress run. Before it's chrome, now Electron 61. Maybe it's the cause, need to investigate further to validate.