

我们目前有一个包含24个 integration / *。js 文件的存储库。我们已经通过TeamCity CI工作流程成功运行了赛普拉斯测试,但是,我无法使这些测试并行运行。

We currently have a repo containing 24 integration/*.js files. We are successfully running Cypress tests via our TeamCity CI workflow, however, I am unable to get the tests to run in parallel.

通过配置方式,我们可以在dashboard.cypress.io中将回购/测试连接到组织。连同仪表板键一起,我们通过 npm run 在我们的 package.json scripts {}

By way of configuration, we have the repo/tests wired up to an org in dashboard.cypress.io. Along with the dashboard key, we are calling Cypress in a TeamCity build step via npm run with the following configs in our package.json scripts{} :

"cypress:run:qa": "cypress run -c cypress.qa.json --record --key xyxyxyx-xyxyx-xyxyx-xyxyx-xyxyxyxyxyxy --parallel --config baseUrl=\"https://some.url.com\" --ci-build-id=%BUILD_ID_CYPRESS%"


The %BUILD_ID_CYPRESS% environment var being passed in above is a custom combination of the TeamCity build ID and number, to make it unique.

package.json 列出了以下依赖项:

"devDependencies": {
    "cypress": "^3.3.2",
    "cypress-plugin-retries": "^1.2.0"
  "dependencies": {
    "ldclient-electron": "^1.0.1",
    "ldclient-js": "^2.10.0",
    "ldclient-node": "^5.7.4"

cypress.qa.json 配置文件的内容为:

  "projectId": "*redacted*",
  "baseUrl": "https://some.url.com",
  "numTestsKeptInMemory": 50,
  "port": 3002,
  "reporter": "teamcity",
  "reporterOptions": null,
  "watchForFileChanges": true,
  "viewportWidth": 1280,
  "viewportHeight": 720,
  "defaultCommandTimeout": 30000,
  "execTimeout": 90000,
  "taskTimeout": 90000,
  "pageLoadTimeout": 60000,
  "requestTimeout": 60000,
  "responseTimeout": 60000,
  "screenshotsFolder": "cypress/screenshots",
  "trashAssetsBeforeRuns": true,
  "videoCompression": 32,
  "videosFolder": "cypress/videos",
  "video": true,
  "videoUploadOnPasses": false,
  "env": {
    "retryAttempts": "2",
    "*redacted URL Name*": "https://some.otherURL.com/someSubDirectory/"




In TeamCity, I see the following output in the build log, which seems to indicate that the Cypress is passing along the parallel configs correctly:

[15:48:08]  [Step 8/11] ================================================================================
[15:48:08]  [Step 8/11] 
[15:48:08]  [Step 8/11]   (Run Starting)
[15:48:08]  [Step 8/11] 
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11]   â"Œâ"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"�
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11]   â"‚ Cypress:  3.4.0                                                            â"‚
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11]   â"‚ Browser:  Electron 61 (headless)                                           â"‚
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11]   â"‚ Specs:    24 found (**spec names redacted*** â"‚
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11]   â"‚ Params:   Group: false, Parallel: true                                     â"‚
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11]   â"‚ Run URL:  https://dashboard.cypress.io/#/projects/*redactedProjID*/runs/26           â"‚
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11]   â""â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"€â"˜
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11] 
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11] 2019-07-23T15:48:10.502Z cypress:server:record before spec run { spec: undefined }
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11] 2019-07-23T15:48:10.503Z cypress:server:api request to url: POST https://api.cypress.io/runs/*redactedGUID*/instances with params: {"body":{"spec":null,"groupId":"win32-Electron-61-abcabcabc","machineId":"**RedactedMachineID","platform":{"osCpus":[{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz","speed":2400,"times":{"user":*redacted*,"nice":0,"sys":*redacted*,"idle":*redacted*,"irq":*redacted*}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2676 v3 @ 2.40GHz","speed":2400,"times":{"user":*redacted*,"nice":0,"sys":*redacted*,"idle":8866723484,"irq":517593}}],"osName":"win32","osMemory":{"free":956882944,"total":4294557696},"osVersion":"6.3.9600","browserName":"Electron","browserVersion":"61.0.3163.100"}},"headers":{"x-route-version":"5","x-os-name":"win32","x-cypress-version":"3.4.0"}} and token: undefined
[15:48:09]  [Step 8/11] 2019-07-23T15:48:10.624Z cypress:server:api response { spec: 'cypress\\integration\\*redacted*.js', instanceId: '*redactedGUID*', claimedInstances: 1, totalInstances: 24, estimatedWallClockDuration: 675698 }

但是,相同的 machineId ,所有这些测试均在同一TeamCity代理上依次运行。

However, the same machineId is repeated through the log output of each subsequent test run, all of which run serially on the same TeamCity agent.


We are not doing anything fancy with test grouping in Cypress, nor anything else particularly unique, that I can see, but the Cypress runs continue to execute serially.


  • TeamCity配置I丢失了(我找不到关于TeamCity / Cypress集成的TeamCity或Cypress方面的特定文档)

  • 我的Cypress配置中明显有遗漏,希望有些陌生人可以喊出来。



I am not sure of your approach. But there are few other options.


One way is to run tests using docker-compose on TC. Here is an example project. This script will create a docker image for your project and run multiple instances of your image.


I have been spiking on this for a while. Cypress github actions seems to be the best choice to run tests in any mode you want.

我建议采用github action方法。您可以节省大量时间。

I would recommend to take github actions approach. You can save tons of time.


10-20 13:25