


  c $ c>  c  c I am trying to observe another childcontroller.

I have the following router:

this.resource('generics', {path: '/gens'}, function() {
    this.resource('generic', {path: '/:generic_id'}, function() {
        this.route('prepare'); // Objectcontroller
        this.route('sent'); // Objectcontroller

I have an observer in the sent controller, however it does not work. I have currently: 'controllers.sent.id' to get the id prepared in the prepare controller.If I do a needs property with generic.prepare. It shows this error:

#needs must not specify dependencies with periods in their names (generic.sent)

I have also tried to use setupController to add the id to the sent controller properties, however the observer is worthless then.


it would be genericPrepare, but prepare/sent should never exist at the same time. You'd probably be better off sending the object to generic and then having sent grab the property off of it. Why are you against setting it up during setupController? The route will always hit setupController of sent before it's visible to the end user.


08-24 19:16