本文介绍了Grails 枚举映射的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 Grails 中,有没有办法限制枚举映射到的列的大小.在以下示例中,我希望列类型为 char(2)

in Grails, Is there a way to limit the size of the column to which the enum is mapped. In the following example, i would like the column type to be char(2)

enum FooStatus {
    BAR('br'), TAR('tr')
    final static String id

class Foo {
    FooStatus status

    static constraints = {

导出schema时inList和size都没有任何影响,列类型保持默认值(varch(255))如果我定义一个新的 UserType,也许我可以做到这一点.有什么想法吗?

both inList and size do not have any effect when exporting the schema, the column type keeps its default value (varch(255))Maybe i could do that if i define a new UserType. Any idea ?



鉴于枚举在 GORM 中的内部映射方式,我认为这不是直接可行的.但是将代码更改为此有效:

I don't think it's directly possible given the way enums are mapped internally in GORM. But changing the code to this works:

enum FooStatus {
   private FooStatus(String id) { this.id = id }
   final String id

   static FooStatus byId(String id) {
      values().find { it.id == id }

class Foo {
   String status

   FooStatus getFooStatus() { status ? FooStatus.byId(status) : null }
   void setFooStatus(FooStatus fooStatus) { status = fooStatus.id }

   static transients = ['fooStatus']

   static constraints = {
      status inList: FooStatus.values()*.id

   static mapping = {
      status sqlType: 'char(2)'

添加瞬态 getter 和 setter 允许您设置或获取字符串 (id) 或枚举值.

Adding the transient getter and setter allows you to set or get either the String (id) or enum value.

这篇关于Grails 枚举映射的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 08:50