

我有一个包含很多列的表,其中 year folder seq_no 字段用作记录的标识方法。我想为具有相同组合的记录分配相同的ID,并且(如果可能)ID的总数必须是连续的,以充分利用ID列的值。示例:

I have a table with many columns, among which the fields year, folder and seq_no serve as an identification method for the record. I'd like to assign the same id to those records that have this combination the same, and (if possible) the total of ids must be sequential, to make good use of the id column values. An example :

|  id |year |folder|seq_no|count|
|  1  |1973 |  5   |  11  |  2  | << 1973, 5, 11
|  2  |2010 |  4   |  7   |  2  | << 2010, 4, 7
|  3  |1973 |  11  |  12  |  1  | << 1973, 11, 12
|  1  |1973 |  5   |  11  |  2  | << 1973, 5, 11
|  4  |1500 |  4   |  7   |  1  | << 1500, 4, 7
|  2  |2010 |  4   |  7   |  2  | << 2010, 4, 7


However, I'd prefer that the id is not assigned by calculation in the php part, but that the table itself on every new entry checks if this entry has the same combination as other ones. If yes, assign same id. If not, assign the next available id.


Also, i would like to count for each row how many records are there with the same id, and this should also be done automatically.


I was thinking of using triggers or functions ... not sure how to do that.



I would not try to store such IDs and especially COUNT in the table.


Imagine, that in your example you want to insert one more row with

|year |folder|seq_no|
|1973 |  5   |  11  |


The server would have to find all existing rows with the same combination and update them with the new value of COUNT.

每个 INSERT UPDATE Delete 变得非常昂贵。

Each INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE becomes really expensive.

可以在需要时使用 DENSE_RANK COUNT 计算此类信息:

This kind of information can be calculated when needed with DENSE_RANK and COUNT:

    ,DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY year, folder, seq_no) AS ID
    ,COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY year, folder, seq_no) AS cnt
FROM YourTable


07-17 18:34