I have a link in a nav-bar that takes me to an anchor on the index page. Currently I don't know how to put an id onto the component, so I have to wrap the component in a div and give it an id for it to work. Ideally, I would like to simply put the anchor on the component itself.
This works fine for me, but I'm wondering if this is the way to do an anchor with React/Gatsby or is there a better way?
//Navbar, which is part of Layout
export default class NavBar extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Link to="/#join-us">Join Us</Link>
const IndexPage = ({ data, location }) => {
const { site, events, about, features, blogs } = data
const eventsEdges = events.edges
return (
<div id="join-us">
<JoinUs /> //Can't do <JoinUs id="join-us"/>
<BlogList blogs={blogs} fromIndex={true} />
您必须将 id
作为 props
传递给您的 JoinUs
首先,执行< JoinUs id ="join-us"/>
.现在, id
You have to pass id
as a props
to your JoinUs
First of all, do <JoinUs id="join-us" />
. Now, id
is a props of your component.
const JoinUs = ({ id }) => (
<div id={id}>
...Your component stuff
import React from 'react'
class JoinUs extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
<div id={this.props.id}>
... Your component stuff
export default JoinUs
这两种方法相似,但第一种更为简洁. JoinUs =({id})...
行允许您访问和分解道具.您可以从 props
获取属性 id
.现在,您不必用锚将组件包装在 div
The two methods are similar but the first one is more concise.The line JoinUs = ({ id }) ...
allows you to access and destructure props. You get property id
from your props
. Now, you don't have to wrap your component in a div
with an anchor
此处的更多信息: https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment