


I am creating a tree by parsing a string separated by (.)

public class TestElement{
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Path { get; set; }
    public List<TestElement> Children { get; set; }
    public TestElement CurrentNode { get; set; }
    public TestElement Parent { get; set; }


In TestElement For example I have this data:

public List<TestElement> GetTreeNodes()
    var nodeElements = new List<TestElement>();
    AddNode(nodeElements, 1, "a.b.c.value");
    AddNode(nodeElements, 2, "a.c.f.g");

    return nodeElements;


private void AddNode(List<TestElement> nodes, int id, string path)
    AddNode(nodes, id, path.Split('.'));


Here I am looping thru the parsed strings and assign them the unique Id. I am assigning ID to the last element in the path so that I can uniquely identify each path.

private void AddNode(List<TestElement> nodes, int id, params string[] path)
    CurrentNode =null;

    foreach (var name in path)
        var currentCollection = (CurrentNode != null ? CurrentNode.Children : nodes);
        var thisNode = currentCollection.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == name);
        if (thisNode == null)
            thisNode = new TestElement { Name = name };
        CurrentNode = thisNode;
    if (CurrentNode != null)
        CurrentNode.Id = id;


I have a grid with the following data:

TestField.Add(new TestField(1, "ABCD",5, 4));
TestField.Add(new TestField(2, "EFGH", 9, 7));

在我的ViewModel中,这是如何在网格和treenode ID之间进行比较

In my ViewModel here is how am doing the comparison between the grid and treenode id

public void SearchTree(int id, List<TestElement> nodes)
    foreach (var c in nodes)
        if (c.id == id)
            c.DisplayColor = Brushes.Violet; 
            c.DisplayColor = Brushes.Black;

        SearchTree(id, c.Children);

我想要做的是在WPF应用程序中创建一个关系.当我单击ID = 1的TestField时,我想将其与ID号= 1的树节点(TestElement)关联.现在,它仅将其与最后一个元素相关联.如何将其关联到整个路径?这样我就可以用一些颜色突出显示它

What I want to do is create a relationship in my WPF application. When I click the TestField with id=1 I want to associate it to my tree node(TestElement) with id number =1Right now it is associating it to the last element only. How can I associate it to the whole path? so that I can Highlight it with some color.




public TestElement Parent { get; set; }

public void HighlightNode(TestElementViewModel node)
    for (var n = node; n != null; n = n.Parent)
        DisplayColor = Brushes.Violet;


public IEnumerable<TestElementViewModel> ToTreeViewModel(IEnumerable<TestElement>   treemodel)
    return treemodel.Select(item => new TestElementViewModel { Id = item.Id, Name = item.Name, Children = ToTreeViewModel(item.Children).ToList(), Parent=item.Parent });

public List<TestElementViewModel> GetRequestTreeNodesFromModel()
    return ToTreeViewModel(TreeModel.GetRequestTreeNodes()).ToList();


MainViewModel: This is a container of all my modelviews...

public TestElementViewModel SearchTree(int id, List<TestElementViewModel> nodes)
    foreach (var c in nodes)
        if (c.Id == id)
            return c;
        var n = SearchTree(id, c.Children);
        if (n != null)
        return n;
    return null;

private void HighlightNode(MessageElementViewModel node)
    for (var n = node; n != null; n = n.Parent)
        n.DisplayColor = Brushes.Violet;




1) Instead of having just an ID property for each node, have a Ids collection. This may use a substantial amount of memory when dealing with large numbers of nodes due to the extra collection being allocated for each node.

public class TestElement
    /*NOTE:*/ public HashSet<int> Ids { get { return _ids ?? (_ids = new HashSet<int>()); } }
    /*NOTE:*/ private HashSet<int> _ids;

private void AddNode(List<TestElement> nodes, int id, params string[] path)
    CurrentNode = null;

    foreach (var name in path)
        var currentCollection = (CurrentNode != null ? CurrentNode.Children : nodes);
        var thisNode = currentCollection.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == name);
        if (thisNode == null)
            thisNode = new TestElement { Name = name };
        /*NOTE:*/ thisNode.Ids.Add(id);
        CurrentNode = thisNode;

private void SearchTree(int id, List<TestElement> nodes)
    foreach (var c in nodes)
        /*NOTE:*/ if (c.Ids.Contains(id))
            c.DisplayColor = Brushes.Violet;
            c.DisplayColor = Brushes.Black;

        SearchTree(id, c.Children);


2) Keep only a single ID per node and let each node be aware of its parent. When you find the node that has the ID you're looking for, use the Parent property to walk up the tree to assign the properties to ancestor nodes.

public class TestElement
    /*NOTE:*/ public int ID { get; set; }
    /*NOTE:*/ public TestElement Parent { get; set; }

private void AddNode(List<TestElement> nodes, int id, params string[] path)
    CurrentNode = null;

    foreach (var name in path)
        var currentCollection = (CurrentNode != null ? CurrentNode.Children : nodes);
        var thisNode = currentCollection.FirstOrDefault(n => n.Name == name);
        if (thisNode == null)
            thisNode = new TestElement { Name = name, /*NOTE:*/ Parent = CurrentNode };
        CurrentNode = thisNode;
    if (CurrentNode != null)
        CurrentNode.Id = id;

private TestElement FindNode(int id, List<TestElement> nodes)
    foreach (var c in nodes)
        if (c.ID == id)
            return c;
        var n = FindNode(id, c.Children);
        if (n != null)
            return n;
    return null;

private void HighlightNode(TestElement node)
    for (var n = node; n != null; n = n.Parent)
        n.DisplayColor = Brushes.Violet;


11-02 08:10