在ASP.NET控件呈现它们的ID有时会改变,就像如果他们在一个命名容器。 Button1的
实际上可能有一个id ctl00_ContentMain_Button1
When ASP.NET controls are rendered their ids sometimes change, like if they are in a naming container. Button1
may actually have an id of ctl00_ContentMain_Button1
when it is rendered, for example.
我知道,你可以写你的JavaScript字符串在你的cs文件,获取该控件的clientID的并注入脚本到使用clientscript你的页面,但那里,你可以使用ASP从JavaScript直接参一控的方式。 NET阿贾克斯?
I know that you can write your JavaScript as strings in your .cs file, get the control's clientID and inject the script into your page using clientscript, but is there a way that you can reference a control directly from JavaScript using ASP.NET Ajax?
I have found that writing a function to parse the dom recursively and find a control that CONTAINS the id that I want is unreliable, so I was looking for a best practice rather than a work-around.
1)我有很多的运气得到的元素通过CSS类,而不是ID,因为asp.net ID是不可靠的,你说。我用这个功能,它表现相当不错:
1) I've had a lot of luck getting elements by css class instead of id because asp.net ids are not reliable as you stated. I use this function and it performs reasonably well:
function getElementsByClass(searchClass,node,tag) {
var classElements = new Array();
if ( node == null )
node = document;
if ( tag == null )
tag = '*';
var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag);
var elsLen = els.length;
var pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)"+searchClass+"(\\s|$)");
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++)
if ( pattern.test(els[i].className) )
classElements[j] = els[i];
return classElements;
2) jQuery helps here alot. Using jQuery you can reliably get elements where the id ends with a certain string. While this is not "the" reason to use jQuery it's definitely a plus.
3)将其固定在asp.net 4.0所以挂在那里:-) http://weblogs.asp.net/asptest/archive/2009/01/06/asp-net-4-0-clientid-overview.aspx
3) This will be fixed in asp.net 4.0 so hang in there :-) http://weblogs.asp.net/asptest/archive/2009/01/06/asp-net-4-0-clientid-overview.aspx