

我正在基于 Docker 的环境中的多节点 Hadoop 集群的计划阶段。所以它应该是基于一个轻量级易于使用的虚拟化系统。
当前架构(关于文档)包含1个主节点和3个从节点。该主机使用 HDFS 文件系统和 KVM 进行虚拟化。
整个云由 Cloudera Manager 管理。在这个集群上安装了几个Hadoop模块。还有一个 NodeJS 数据上传服务。
这一次,我应该建立一个基于Docker 的架构。

I am in planning phase of a multi-node Hadoop cluster in a Docker based environment. So it should be based on a lightweight easy to use virtualized system.Current architecture (regarding to documentation) contains 1 master and 3 slave nodes. This host machine uses HDFS filesystem and KVM for virtualization.The whole cloud is managed by Cloudera Manager. There are several Hadoop modules installed on this cluster. There is also a NodeJS data upload service.This time I should make architecture Docker based.I have read several tutorials and have some opinions, but also open questions.

A。 a href =https://github.com/Lewuathe/docker-hadoop-cluster =nofollow> https://github.com/Lewuathe/docker-hadoop-cluster 是我的良好基础项目?我还发现了一个官方的,但它是单节点。

A. What do you think, is https://github.com/Lewuathe/docker-hadoop-cluster a good base for my project? I have found also an official image, but it is single-node.


B. How will system requirements change if I would like to make this in a single container? It would be great, because this architecture should work in different locations, so changes can be easily transferred between these locations. Synchronization between these so called clones would be important.


C. Do you have some other ideas, maybe best practices?



As of September 2016 there is no quick answer.


https://github.com/Lewuathe/docker-hadoop-cluster does not seem like a good start, as it should be universal for your B. option



07-08 02:46