- William Hughes So I was recently checking out topcoder.com to see what the latest hypeis all about (as I had been listening to an interview on NPR).Apparently it''s a group site where they hold programming competitions,etc. to come up with the best solutions for a given task (that may havebeen farmed out to topcoder via another company). I''m looking around atthe contests, based on algorithms, design, etc. and I''m trying tofigure out "okay, where''s the language choices" and eventually come tofigure out that it''s 99% C++, Java, or C# only. So a bit miffed I hadto ask why C was not represented.. Check out the general party line totheir perceptions of C: http://forums.topcoder.com/?module=T...513334&start=0Let''s all be proud to be writing in uncool, old, "legacy" code becauseapparently we''re "hard to find." 解决方案 clayne said:Let''s all be proud to be writing in uncool, old, "legacy" codeLegacy code, n. (pej.): code written in some language other than the onepreferred by the speaker.because apparently we''re "hard to find."You didn''t seem to have any trouble.--Richard Heathfield"Usenet is a strange place" - dmr 29/7/1999 http://www.cpax.org.ukemail: rjh at above domain (but drop the www, obviously)Richard Heathfield wrote:Legacy code, n. (pej.): code written in some language other than the onepreferred by the speaker.Hah. because apparently we''re "hard to find."You didn''t seem to have any trouble.In regards to?One thing, at work, I''ve actually been told to not write something in C(that was actually the most appropriate language for it [Solaris memorystatistics, etc.]) and instead write it in Perl, since it would requireothers to know more than Perl to support it (even though our developersal know C/C++). Right, let''s use a crappier tool for the task becauseeveryone else carries the same crappy tools around. Kind of likeinstalling a door handle with a pipe wrench because that''s all one hasever known.clayne wrote:Richard Heathfield wrote: Legacy code, n. (pej.): code written in some language other than the one preferred by the speaker.Hah. because apparently we''re "hard to find." You didn''t seem to have any trouble.In regards to?One thing, at work, I''ve actually been told to not write something in C(that was actually the most appropriate language for it [Solaris memorystatistics, etc.]) and instead write it in Perl, since it would requireothers to know more than Perl to support it (even though our developersal know C/C++). Right, let''s use a crappier tool for the task becauseeveryone else carries the same crappy tools around. Kind of likeinstalling a door handle with a pipe wrench because that''s all one hasever known.Hardly. It''s more like installing a door handle using slot screwsratherthan phillips screws, so even people without a phillips screwdrivercan work on the door. True, phillips screws are better, but it isalso true that more people have access to something that can beused to turn slot screws than phillips screws. Whether or notslot or phillips screws should be used depends on a lot of things,but using slot screws is not a priori silly.- William Hughes 这篇关于C相关,但不是C问题..的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!