I'm writing an application that faxes a document (many supported types) provided by the end user. A requirement is that the end user can also provide text to be used as part of a custom fax header.
I've been using Ghostscript to render PDFs as TIFFs and it's been working great so far, but I have yet to find a straightforward way of overlaying the custom header at the top of a PDF. I've tried out a few recommendations:
- How can I make a program overlay text on a postscript file?
- How can I add a footer to the bottom of each page of a postscript or pdf file in linux?
- Add comments to PDF files automagically with regular expressions
- Stamp PDF file with control for position of stamp file
I've used ImageMagick to do this successfully with documents rendered to TIFF via other tools, and I'm aware that ImageMagick can render PDF-to-TIFF on its own. However, I want to stick with Ghostscript because in my experience it has performed better and rendered clearer TIFFs.
Is this possible using Ghostscript and perhaps a PS helper script?
Ghostscript (v9.04) is not throwing any errors. For example:
gswin64c -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -dPDFFitPage -sDEVICE=tiffg3 ^
-sOutputFile=goofy.tif ^
-c "/Courier findfont 12 scalefont setfont 50 765 moveto (header text) show" ^
-f goofy.pdf
...产生原始PDF的TIFF,但是没有我尝试添加的文本。如果我将 showpage
... produces a TIFF of the original PDF, but without the text I tried to add. If I append showpage
to the postscript one-liner it (predictably, I suppose) prints a new, blank-except-for-header page, which doesn't help me much.
我将使用另一个与Ghostscript结合使用的命令行工具来完成此任务。该工具为 pdftk.exe
I would use another commandline tool combined with Ghostscript for this task. This tool is pdftk.exe
. Then use a 3 step approach:
- Ghostscript的任务是创建一个带有标题文本的(否则为空)页面:
- The task of Ghostscript would be to create an (otherwise empty) page with the header text:
gswin64c.exe ^
-o header.pdf ^
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite ^
-c "/Courier findfont 12 scalefont setfont" ^
-c "50 765 moveto (header text) show showpage"
pdftk.exe goofy.pdf background header.pdf output goofy-with-header.pdf
pdftk.exe goofy.pdf stamp header.pdf output goofy-with-header.pdf
gswin64c.exe ^
-dPDFFitPage ^
-o goofy-with-header.tif ^
-sDEVICE=tiffg3 ^