我需要为池中的Azure Batch节点设置一系列静态远程桌面ip地址.考虑到该节点有时会进入和退出池,这是否有可能?
I am needing to set a range of static remote desktop ip addresses for Azure Batch nodes within a pool. Is this even possible given the node will enter and exit the pool on occasion?
I have viewed documentation but have not had luck. Is this even possible? How can this be configured?
Updated answer 2019-09-09:
现在,您可以指定通过Azure资源管理器(ARM)设置的静态公共IP,作为基于VirtualMachineConfiguration的池分配的一部分.请参阅池添加"操作的 networkConfiguration 属性.您将需要确保指定的公共IP资源ID当前未被使用,并且与批处理帐户位于相同的区域和订阅ID中.
You can now specify static public IPs provisioned via Azure Resource Manager (ARM) as part of a VirtualMachineConfiguration-based pool allocation. Please see the networkConfiguration property of the Pool Add operation. You will need to ensure that the public IP resource ids specified are not currently in use and are from within the same region and subscription id as the Batch account.