本文介绍了从命令行查询Android内容提供程序(adb shell)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有一个根据意图启动活动的命令: am start 。另外要发送广播:上午广播

There is a command to start an activity based on intent: am start. Also to send a broadcast: am broadcast.


I think probably there should be a shell command to query a content provider, probably something like:

query content://com.myapp.authority/path --where 'column=?' --arg 1 --order 'column desc'




有一个 content 命令:

usage: adb shell content [subcommand] [options]

usage: adb shell content insert --uri <URI> [--user <USER_ID>] --bind <BINDING> [--bind <BINDING>...]
  <URI> a content provider URI.
  <BINDING> binds a typed value to a column and is formatted:
  <TYPE> specifies data type such as:
  b - boolean, s - string, i - integer, l - long, f - float, d - double
  Note: Omit the value for passing an empty string, e.g column:s:
  # Add "new_setting" secure setting with value "new_value".
  adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:new_setting --bind value:s:new_value

usage: adb shell content update --uri <URI> [--user <USER_ID>] [--where <WHERE>]
  <WHERE> is a SQL style where clause in quotes (You have to escape single quotes - see example below).
  # Change "new_setting" secure setting to "newer_value".
  adb shell content update --uri content://settings/secure --bind value:s:newer_value --where "name='new_setting'"

usage: adb shell content delete --uri <URI> [--user <USER_ID>] --bind <BINDING> [--bind <BINDING>...] [--where <WHERE>]
  # Remove "new_setting" secure setting.
  adb shell content delete --uri content://settings/secure --where "name='new_setting'"

usage: adb shell content query --uri <URI> [--user <USER_ID>] [--projection <PROJECTION>] [--where <WHERE>] [--sort <SORT_ORDER>]
  <PROJECTION> is a list of colon separated column names and is formatted:
  <SORT_ORDER> is the order in which rows in the result should be sorted.
  # Select "name" and "value" columns from secure settings where "name" is equal to "new_setting" and sort the result by name in ascending order.
  adb shell content query --uri content://settings/secure --projection name:value --where "name='new_setting'" --sort "name ASC"

usage: adb shell content call --uri <URI> --method <METHOD> [--arg <ARG>]
       [--extra <BINDING> ...]
  <METHOD> is the name of a provider-defined method
  <ARG> is an optional string argument
  <BINDING> is like --bind above, typed data of the form <KEY>:{b,s,i,l,f,d}:<VAL>

这篇关于从命令行查询Android内容提供程序(adb shell)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-23 00:34