有没有一个通用的形式消毒剂,我可以用来确保所有的html /脚本被剥离提交的表单? form.clean()似乎没有做任何 - html标签都仍然在clean_data。或者实际上手动这样做(并覆盖表单的clean()方法)是我唯一的选择?
Is there a generic "form sanitizer" that I can use to ensure all html/scripting is stripped off the submitted form? form.clean() doesn't seem to do any of that - html tags are all still in cleaned_data. Or actually doing this all manually (and override the clean() method for the form) is my only option?
Django comes with a template filter called striptags, which you can use in a template:
它使用 django.utils.html
中的函数 strip_tags
It uses the function strip_tags
which lives in django.utils.html
. You can utilize it also to clean your form data:
from django.utils.html import strip_tags
message = strip_tags(form.cleaned_data['message'])