


I'm trying to make a interactive flash video in CS6 for a class I am taking. I briefly talked with the professor about this and he could not figure out the issue either. The weird thing is it says the errors are on lines 2 and 3. When I remove the code on those lines it still says the error is on those lines. Take a look at my AS and tell me what you think.

import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.events.*;

public class Essay1 extends MovieClip{

public function Essay1() {

    mc_Gas.visible = false;
    mc_Drive.visible = false;
    mc_Outside.visible = false;
    mc_DriveZoom.visible = false;
    mc_Dash.visible = false;

    mc_Start.btn_Start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, gotoWindow);
    mc_Drive.btn_Drive.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, gotoZoom);
public function gotoWindow(MouseEvent):void{
public function gotoZoom(MouseEvent):void{
    mc_DriveZoom.visible = true;



F:\ WDMD201 \随笔\ Essay1.as,2号线1046:类型未发现的或没有编译时间常数:mc_Dash

F:\WDMD201\Essay\Essay1.as, Line 2 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: mc_Dash.

F:\ WDMD201 \随笔\ Essay1.as,2号线1046:类型未发现的或没有编译时间常数:mc_Drive

F:\WDMD201\Essay\Essay1.as, Line 2 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: mc_Drive.

F:\ WDMD201 \随笔\ Essay1.as,3号线1046:类型未发现的或没有编译时间常数:mc_Gas

F:\WDMD201\Essay\Essay1.as, Line 3 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: mc_Gas.

F:\ WDMD201 \随笔\ Essay1.as,3号线1046:类型未发现的或没有编译时间常数:mc_Start

F:\WDMD201\Essay\Essay1.as, Line 3 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: mc_Start.

F:\ WDMD201 \随笔\ Essay1.as,4号线1046:类型未发现的或没有编译时间常数:mc_Outside

F:\WDMD201\Essay\Essay1.as, Line 4 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: mc_Outside.

F:\ WDMD201 \随笔\ Essay1.as,5号线1046:类型未发现的或没有编译时间常数:mc_DriveZoom

F:\WDMD201\Essay\Essay1.as, Line 5 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: mc_DriveZoom.


的问题是,您试图访问未知属性。要访问它们,你需要声明的属性匹配舞台上的实例名称。声明所有属性 mc_Dash mc_Drive ,等等,成员变量:

The issue is that you are trying to access unknown properties. To access them, your need to declare properties matching the instance names on the stage. Declare all the properties mc_Dash, mc_Drive, and so on, as member variables :

public class Essay1 extends MovieClip {

    public var mc_Dash:MovieClip;

    public function Essay1 {


08-04 12:02