本文介绍了WSDL 找不到调度方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


对于使用 WSDL 的 Web 服务调用,我收到错误 Cannot find dispatch method for {http://ws.somecompany.com/services}ValidateUser,这究竟是什么意思?是不是说找不到ValidateUser?

For a web service call using a WSDL, I'm getting the error Cannot find dispatch method for {http://ws.somecompany.com/services}ValidateUser, what does that mean exactly? Does it mean that it cannot find ValidateUser?


这通常意味着 SOAP 框架找不到应通过此请求调用的操作.SOAP 框架通常会检查消息以查找有关如何将消息路由到操作的指针.此错误的原因主要是配置问题(不同的命名空间、不同的编码(RPC 与 doc/lit)、使用 WS-Addressing 与普通 SOAP 等)

This typically means that the SOAP framework could not find the operation that should be invoked via this request. A SOAP framework typically inspects the message to find pointers about how to route the message to the operation. Reasons for this error are mostly configuration issues (different namespaces, different encodings (RPC vs. doc/lit), usage of WS-Addressing vs. plain SOAP etc.)

这篇关于WSDL 找不到调度方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 23:49