系统 - Win 7 64 位.Nodejs - node-v6.9.4-x64.msi
System - Win 7 64 bit.Nodejs - node-v6.9.4-x64.msi
安装错误 - 正在进行另一个安装.您必须先完成该安装,然后才能继续安装.
Installation error - Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.
无效的解决方案 - 以管理员身份运行,以管理员身份通过命令行运行,日志与我在安装程序中看到的错误相同, 不安装在线文档选项,
Solutions that did NOT work - Run as admin, Run via commandline as admin, log had same error i saw in installer, don't install online docs option,
Please help me to fix this. Thank you !
这不会是您的 NodeJs 安装问题,这可能是因为您之前的安装(可能是任何其他软件)可能仍在进行中或没有正确退出.
This will not be an issue with your NodeJs installation, it might be because of your previous installation (might be any other software) which might be still in progress or not exit properly.
要解决您的问题,请尝试重新启动机器并安装.这将间接杀死您之前不稳定的安装并允许您安装 NodeJs
To solve your issue, please try restarting your machine once and install. This will indirectly kill your previous unstable installation and allow you to install NodeJs
这篇关于Nodejs - 另一个安装正在进行中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!