昨天我将VS 2017 Professional升级到最新版本15.2(26430.6),现在当我去发布我的网站时,无论我是打开调试还是发出调试信息,它都会创建pdb文件。 它从来没有这样做过,我有
另一个用户在26430.4版本中做同样的事情。 不幸的是,我不确定在此更新发生之前我的构建版本是什么。 我可以改变什么以防止这种情况或者它是当前版本中的错误?
Yesterday I upgraded VS 2017 Professional to the latest build Version 15.2 (26430.6) and now when I go to publish my web site it is creating pdb files no matter if I have debug turned on or emit debug information. It never did this before and I have another user who is on the 26430.4 build where it's doing the same thing. Unfortunately I'm not sure what build I was on before this update happened. Anything I can change to prevent this or is it a bug in the current build?