如何将使用 SQL2008 设计器创建的 RDL 文件转换为适用于 SQL2005 报告服务?
How do I convert a RDL file that was created using the SQL2008 designer to work on SQL2005 Reporting services?
没有具体的降级路径见这个链接 用于 MS 官方声明.
There is no specific downgrade path see this link for the official MS statement.
如果您喜欢冒险(和幸运),您可以尝试将您的 2008 年 RDL 转换为与 2005 年相匹配,但我猜这将是一项重大任务.RDL 文件只是符合 Microsoft 开放和发布的 RDL 规范的 xml 文件.
If you're feeling adventurous (and lucky) you could try converting your 2008 RDL to match the 2005 but I'm guessing that would be a major undertaking. RDL files are simply xml files that conform to the RDL spec which is open and published by Microsoft.
报告服务 2008 的 RDL 规范可在此处获得:
The RDL spec for reporting services 2008 is available here:
此处提供 2005 年的规范:
The spec for 2005 is available here:
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