How do I disable Model validation for a single Action in a Controller ?Or can I do it per model by registering the model type at startup somewhere ?
I want the ModelBinder to bind to the model, but afterwards it should not perform the model validation.
The reason why i dont want validation to happen is because i am trying to move the logic from the controllers to a service layer which will be responsible for validating the models as i cant assume that models being passed to a service contains valid data.
As I understand this is the recommend approach (to not have logic in the controllers), so I find it a bit strange that i cant seem to find anything about how the model validation can be disabled (per action or per model type).
Please notice that I dont want to disable model validation for the entire webapplication (by removing the validation providers), and i dont want to disable the input validation that checks for malicious code being posted.
我使用.NET 4.0和MVC 3 preVIEW 1
I am using .Net 4.0 and MVC 3 Preview 1
Unfortunately there seems to be no easy way to disable the model validation happening in the ModelBinder except for registering every single model type you don’t want to validate (including nested complex types) with a specific ModelBinder. It can be done with the following code:
ModelBinders.Binders [typeof运算(MyModelType)] =新NonValidatingModelBinder();
创建可以附加到的操作方法或操作方法参数似乎并不可能,因为它应该在ControllerActionInvoker实现的SkipValidationAttribute,但也没有办法让ModelBinder的人都知道,它应该做任何验证中的SetProperty ()和OnModelUpdated方法调用BindModel()中GetParameterValue()方法。当
Creating a SkipValidationAttribute that can be attached to action methods or action method parameters doesn’t seem possible as it should be implemented in the ControllerActionInvoker, but there is no way of letting the ModelBinder know that it should do any validation in the SetProperty() and OnModelUpdated methods when calling BindModel() in the GetParameterValue() method.
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