


I need to read and write huge binary files. Is there a preferred or even optimal number of bytes (what I call BLOCK_SIZE) I should read() at a time?

一个字节肯定太少了,我也不认为向RAM读取4 GB也是一个好主意-是否有最佳"块大小?还是甚至取决于文件系统(我在 ext4 上)?我需要考虑什么?

One byte is certainly too little, and I do not think reading 4 GB into the RAM is a good idea either - is there a 'best' block size? or does that even depend on the file-system (I'm on ext4)? What do I need to consider?

Python的open() 甚至提供了buffering参数.我也需要调整吗?

Python's open() even provides a buffering argument. Would I need to tweak that as well?

这是仅将两个文件in-0.datain-1.data连接到out.data的示例代码(在现实生活中,还有更多与手头问题无关的处理).选择BLOCK_SIZE等于 io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE 似乎是buffering的默认设置:

This is sample code that just joins the two files in-0.data and in-1.data into out.data (in real life there is more processing that is irrelevant to the question at hand). The BLOCK_SIZE is chosen equal to io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE which seems to be the default for buffering:

from pathlib import Path
from functools import partial

DATA_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / '../data/'

out_path = DATA_PATH / 'out.data'
in_paths = (DATA_PATH / 'in-0.data', DATA_PATH / 'in-1.data')


def process(data):

with out_path.open('wb') as out_file:
    for in_path in in_paths:
        with in_path.open('rb') as in_file:
            for data in iter(partial(in_file.read, BLOCK_SIZE), b''):
#            while True:
#                data = in_file.read(BLOCK_SIZE)
#                if not data:
#                    break
#                process(data)
#                out_file.write(data)



Let the OS make the decision for you. Use the mmap module:



It uses your OS's underlying memory mapping mechanism for mapping the contents of a file into RAM.


Be aware that there's a 2GB file size limit if you're using 32-bit Python, so be sure to use the 64-bit version if you decide to go this route.


f1 = open('input_file', 'r+b')
m1 = mmap.mmap(f1.fileno(), 0)
f2 = open('out_file', 'a+b') # out_file must be >0 bytes on windows
m2 = mmap.mmap(f2.fileno(), 0)
m2[:] = m1 # copy input_file to out_file
m2.flush() # flush results


Note that you never had to call any read() functions and decide how many bytes to bring into RAM. This example just copies one file into another, but as you said in your example, you can do whatever processing you need in between. Note that while the entire file is mapped to an address space in RAM, that doesn't mean it has actually been copied there. It will be copied piecewise, at the discretion of the OS.


07-18 12:40