Is it possible to have a battery notification in every application that is running?
For example: If I'm going to run an application like Angry Birds, is it possible to have some sort of a notification that will tell me if there is enough time to continue playing it?
This is one of the objectives in our thesis.
You can play Angry Birds for a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, etc. There is no defined "enough time to continue playing it".
Moreover, it is impossible to state definitively how much power a process will run in the future.
Now, you could create some code that attempts to measure historical power consumption of an application (and how the user uses it, which may vary from person to person). You could use that information to make some educated guesses about how long the user could keep using that app. And you could find a way to present that information to the user.
All of that will require, at minimum, custom firmware. It is also very possible that it will require custom hardware that has fine-grained power consumption data collection, such as the Qualcomm MDP.