我正在尝试使用 aiohttp
通过多个SOCKS代理发出异步HTTP请求。基本上,我正在创建具有不同IP地址的Tor客户端池,并希望能够使用 aiohttp
I am trying to use aiohttp
to make asynchronous HTTP requests over multiple SOCKS proxies. Basically, I am creating a pool of Tor clients with different IP addresses, and want to be able to route HTTP requests through them using aiohttp
基于建议和,我一直在尝试使用,但是这些线程中的示例确实(如果有的话),则无法使用,因为它们基于具有不同API的 aiosocks
的旧版本。在线使用 aiosocks
的文档和示例非常稀少(似乎并未广泛使用)。但是我无法找到将 aiohttp
Based on the suggestions here and here, I have been trying to use aiosocks, but the examples in those threads do not work (if they ever did) because they are based on an old version of aiosocks
with a different API. Documentation and examples of using aiosocks
online are very sparse (it doesn't seem widely used). But I haven't been able to find any other solutions for using aiohttp
with SOCKS proxies.
下面是到目前为止,我拥有的代码(对大量代码感到抱歉-我试图尽我所能来简化示例!)。首先,我用 stem
Below is the code I have so far (sorry for the large amount of code - I tried to slim down the example as much as I could!). First I initialize the Tor clients with stem
from datetime import datetime
import stem.process
from TorUtils import printCircuits, cleanShutdown
# create list of (source_port, control_port) tuples
tor_ports = [(str(9050 + i), str(9050 + NUM_TOR_CLIENTS + i)) for i in range(NUM_TOR_CLIENTS)]
# Every ISO 3166 country code except for {US} and {CA}
country_codes = '{AF}, {AX}, {AL}, {DZ}, {AS}, {AD}, {AO}, {AI}, {AQ}, {AG}, {AR}, {AM}, {AW}, {AU}, {AT}, {AZ}, {BS}, {BH}, {BD}, {BB}, {BY}, {BE}, {BZ}, {BJ}, {BM}, {BT}, {BO}, {BQ}, {BA}, {BW}, {BV}, {BR}, {IO}, {BN}, {BG}, {BF}, {BI}, {KH}, {CM}, {CV}, {KY}, {CF}, {TD}, {CL}, {CN}, {CX}, {CC}, {CO}, {KM}, {CG}, {CD}, {CK}, {CR}, {CI}, {HR}, {CU}, {CW}, {CY}, {CZ}, {DK}, {DJ}, {DM}, {DO}, {EC}, {EG}, {SV}, {GQ}, {ER}, {EE}, {ET}, {FK}, {FO}, {FJ}, {FI}, {FR}, {GF}, {PF}, {TF}, {GA}, {GM}, {GE}, {DE}, {GH}, {GI}, {GR}, {GL}, {GD}, {GP}, {GU}, {GT}, {GG}, {GN}, {GW}, {GY}, {HT}, {HM}, {VA}, {HN}, {HK}, {HU}, {IS}, {IN}, {ID}, {IR}, {IQ}, {IE}, {IM}, {IL}, {IT}, {JM}, {JP}, {JE}, {JO}, {KZ}, {KE}, {KI}, {KP}, {KR}, {KW}, {KG}, {LA}, {LV}, {LB}, {LS}, {LR}, {LY}, {LI}, {LT}, {LU}, {MO}, {MK}, {MG}, {MW}, {MY}, {MV}, {ML}, {MT}, {MH}, {MQ}, {MR}, {MU}, {YT}, {MX}, {FM}, {MD}, {MC}, {MN}, {ME}, {MS}, {MA}, {MZ}, {MM}, {NA}, {NR}, {NP}, {NL}, {NC}, {NZ}, {NI}, {NE}, {NG}, {NU}, {NF}, {MP}, {NO}, {OM}, {PK}, {PW}, {PS}, {PA}, {PG}, {PY}, {PE}, {PH}, {PN}, {PL}, {PT}, {PR}, {QA}, {RE}, {RO}, {RU}, {RW}, {BL}, {SH}, {KN}, {LC}, {MF}, {PM}, {VC}, {WS}, {SM}, {ST}, {SA}, {SN}, {RS}, {SC}, {SL}, {SG}, {SX}, {SK}, {SI}, {SB}, {SO}, {ZA}, {GS}, {SS}, {ES}, {LK}, {SD}, {SR}, {SJ}, {SZ}, {SE}, {CH}, {SY}, {TW}, {TJ}, {TZ}, {TH}, {TL}, {TG}, {TK}, {TO}, {TT}, {TN}, {TR}, {TM}, {TC}, {TV}, {UG}, {UA}, {AE}, {GB}, {UM}, {UY}, {UZ}, {VU}, {VE}, {VN}, {VG}, {VI}, {WF}, {EH}, {YE}, {ZM}, {ZW}'
tor_configs = [{'SOCKSPort': p[0], 'ControlPort': p[1], 'DataDirectory': './.tordata' + p[0],
'CookieAuthentication' : '1', 'MaxCircuitDirtiness': '3600', 'ExcludeNodes': country_codes,
'EntryNodes': '{us}, {ca}', 'ExitNodes': '{us}, {ca}', 'StrictNodes': '1',
'GeoIPExcludeUnknown': '1', 'EnforceDistinctSubnets': '0'
} for p in tor_ports]
print(f"Spawning {NUM_TOR_CLIENTS} tor clients ...")
start_time = datetime.now()
tor_clients = []
for cfg in tor_configs:
tor_clients.append({'config': cfg, 'process': stem.process.launch_tor_with_config(config = cfg)})
...然后我是尝试使用以下代码通过 aiohttp
... and then I am trying to use the following code to make the HTTP requests with aiohttp
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import aiosocks
from aiosocks.connector import ProxyConnector, ProxyClientRequest
import async_timeout
async def _get(url, session, proxy, request_limiter):
async with request_limiter: # semaphore to limit number of concurrent requests
async with async_timeout.timeout(TIMEOUT):
async with session.get(url, proxy=proxy, proxy_auth=None) as resp:
status = int(resp.status)
headers = dict(resp.headers)
content_type = str(resp.content_type)
text = await resp.text()
return {'url': url, 'status': status, 'headers': headers, 'text': str(text), 'errors': None}
except asyncio.TimeoutError as e:
queue.visited_urls[url] = datetime.now()
return {'url': url, 'status': None, 'headers': None, 'text': None, 'errors': str(e)}
async def _getPagesTasks(url_list, tor_clients, request_limiter, loop):
"""Launch requests for all web pages."""
#deque rotates continuously through SOCKS sessions for each tor client ...
sessions = deque()
for tor_client in tor_clients:
conn = ProxyConnector()
session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=conn, request_class=ProxyClientRequest)
sessions.append({'proxy': '' + tor_client['config']['SOCKSPort'], 'session': session})
tasks = []
task_count = 0
for url in url_list:
s = sessions.popleft();
session = s['session']
proxy = s['proxy']
task = loop.create_task(_get(url, session, proxy, request_limiter))
task_count += 1
results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
for s in sessions:
return results
def getPages(url_list, tor_clients):
"""Given a URL list, dispatch pool of tor clients to concurrently fetch URLs"""
request_limiter = asyncio.Semaphore(len(tor_clients)) # limit to one request per client at a time
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
responses = loop.run_until_complete(_getPagesTasks(url_list, tor_clients, request_limiter, loop))
return responses
但是,此代码未运行。当我尝试运行它时,出现以下错误。我想知道我是在做错什么,还是这是 aiosocks
的问题(似乎已经有一段时间没有维护了,并且可能是针对较老的 aiohttp
This code is not running, however. When I try to run it, I get the error below. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong, or if this is some problem with aiosocks
(which seems like it's been unmaintained for a while, and might be targetting an older version of aiohttp
or something ...):
~/Code/gis project/code/TorGetQueue.py in _getPagesTasks(url_list, tor_clients, request_limiter, loop)
50 sessions = deque()
51 for client in tor_clients:
---> 52 conn = ProxyConnector()
53 session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=conn, request_class=ProxyClientRequest)
54 sessions.append({'proxy': '' + client['config']['SOCKSPort'], 'session': session})
~/.local/share/virtualenvs/code-pIyQci_2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/aiosocks/connector.py in __init__(self, verify_ssl, fingerprint, resolve, use_dns_cache, family, ssl_context, local_addr, resolver, keepalive_timeout, force_close, limit, limit_per_host, enable_cleanup_closed, loop, remote_resolve)
54 force_close=force_close, limit=limit, loop=loop,
55 limit_per_host=limit_per_host, use_dns_cache=use_dns_cache,
---> 56 enable_cleanup_closed=enable_cleanup_closed)
58 self._remote_resolve = remote_resolve
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'resolve'
我在这里做错了什么?有没有更简单的方法将SOCKS代理与 aiohttp
一起使用?要使此代码与 aiosocks
What am I doing wrong here? Is there an easier way to use SOCKS proxies with aiohttp
? What do I need to change to make this code work with aiosocks
I tried using aiosocks for my project to get the same error as yours only to later discover that aiosocks has been abandoned.
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from aiosocksy import Socks5Auth
from aiosocksy.connector import ProxyConnector, ProxyClientRequest
async def fetch(url):
connector = ProxyConnector()
socks = 'socks5://'
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=connector, request_class=ProxyClientRequest) as session:
async with session.get(url, proxy=socks) as response:
print(await response.text())
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()