

我在Java编程语言方面有丰富的经验。但是我一直想到的一件事是,为什么有必要 close() java.io.InputStream 或其子类?

I have a sound experience in Java programming language. But one thing that has always been in my mind is that why is it necessary to close() java.io.InputStream or its subclasses?

现在使用 java.io.OutputStream ,比如说 FileOutputStream ,写入文件后,如果我们没有 close()输出流,我们打算在文件中写入的数据仍保留在缓冲区中,而不是写入文件。

Now with java.io.OutputStream, say FileOutputStream, after writing to a file, if we don't close() the output stream, the data that we intended to write in the file remains in the buffer and is not written to the file.

所以有必要 close()一个 OutputStream 。但是,在未关闭 InputStream 之后,我从未有过任何痛苦的经历。

So it becomes necessary to close() an OutputStream. But i never had any bitter experiences after not closing an InputStream.

但是,互联网和书籍上的所有文章仍然表示关闭任何流总是好的可能是 InputStream OutputStream

But still all articles on the internet and books say that it is always good to close any Stream may it be an InputStream or an OutputStream.

所以我的问题是为什么有必要 close()一个 InputStream ?人们说你可能面临内存泄漏,你不要 close()它。那么什么样的内存泄漏呢?

So my question is that why does it become necessary to close() an InputStream? People say that you may face a memory leak of you don't close() it. So what kind of a memory leak is that?



An InputStream ties up a tiny kernel resource, a low level file handle. In addition, the file will be locked to some extent (from delete, renaming), as long as you have it open for read. Lets imagine you didn't care about the locked file. Eventually, if you need to read another file, and open it with a new InputStream, the kernel sequentially allocates a new descriptor (file stream) for you. This will add up.


It is just a matter of time until program failure for a long running application.


The file descriptor table for a processor is of limited size. Eventually the file handle table will run out of free slots for the process. Even in the thousands, you can still easily exhaust this for a long running application, at which point, your program can no longer open a new file or socket.


The process file descriptor table is as simplistic as something like:

IOHANDLE fds[2048];  // varies based on runtime, IO library, etc.


You start with 3 slots occupied. Fill that up and you have performed a denial of service on yourself.


So all thats nice to know; how best to apply it?


If you rely on local objects to go out of scope, then its up to the Garbage Collector, which can reap it in its own sweet time (nondeterministic). So don't rely on the GC, close them explicitly.

使用Java,你想在实现java.lang.AutoCloseable的类型上使用try-with-resources, 每个文档都包含实现java.io.Closeable的所有对象:

With Java, you want to use try-with-resources on types that implement java.lang.AutoCloseable, "which includes all objects which implement java.io.Closeable" per the docs: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/tryResourceClose.html


With C#, the equivalent is a "using" block on objects that implement IDisposable


07-18 07:38