我来自 web 开发背景,并且习惯于创建一个同时具有 x 和 y 溢出的元素(允许向任何方向滚动).我正在努力使用 Flutter 实现相同的功能.
I come from a web development background, and am used to being able to create an element that has both x and y overflow (allowing scrolling in any direction). I'm struggling to achieve the same functionality with Flutter.
查看文档,我找到了 SingleChildScrollView,但它只允许 Axis.horizontal 或 Axis.vertical,而不是两者.
Looking through the documentation, I've found SingleChildScrollView, but it only allows Axis.horizontal or Axis.vertical, not both.
So I have tried the following:
return SingleChildScrollView( // horizontal scroll widget
scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
child: SingleChildScrollView( // vertical scroll widget
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
child: ...content of the container etc...
这适用于 x 和 y,但它不允许 diagonal 滚动.
This works for both x and y, but it doesn't allow for diagonal scrolling.
Is there a way to achieve diagonal scrolling, or is there a better material widget that I'm completely missing?
I've managed to find a solution, though it's not perfect:
我创建了一个带有 Offset _scrollOffset
的 StatefulWidget,它使用带有 Transform 类型的子元素的 ClipRect.变换矩阵(Matrix4.identity()..translate(_offset.dx, _offset.dy)
I've created a StatefulWidget with an Offset _scrollOffset
that uses a ClipRect with a child of type Transform. A transformation matrix (Matrix4.identity()..translate(_offset.dx, _offset.dy)
) is applied to the transform.
分配了一个 onPanUpdate 回调来更新滚动位置._scrollOffset += e.delta
A GestureDetector
has an onPanUpdate callback assigned to update the scroll position. _scrollOffset += e.delta
. This can be constrained to the boundaries of the widget by just setting the scroll position if it's too low or too high.
Animation 和 AnimationController 用于设置投掷速度.onPanEnd 提供最后一个平移的速度,因此只需执行一个 Tween 并根据该速度进行弹跳.
An Animation and AnimationController are used to set up fling velocity. onPanEnd provides the velocity of the last pan, so just performs a Tween with a fling based on that velocity.
动画在TapDown 上停止,因此用户可以停止滚动速度.
The animation is stopped onTapDown so the user can stop the scroll velocity.
这样做的主要问题是它不能完美地模仿 Android 或 iOS 滚动速度,尽管我正在努力尝试使用 Flutter 提供的 ScrollSimulation 类使其更好地工作.
The main problem with this is it doesn't perfectly mimmick the Android or iOS scroll velocity, though I am working on trying to get it to work better using Flutter's provided ScrollSimulation classes.