Going with the time I try to implement view pager in my tile based game - and swiping is janky. I performed necessary performance measures like suggested by @romangui , and found out that redrawing my gaem field takes about 48 msec (way too long) - and I already flattened layout, eliminated overdraw have my custom layout managers etc.
I discovered that drawing one tile on GN takes about 0.600 msec - way too long for all 81 tiles. Time is actually spend on Canvas.drawBitmap(...)
任何想法如何提高性能?我只有6种不同的位图,它们只能加载一次并重新使用. ARGB_8888.当然,它们不必与实际显示的大小相匹配.
Any ideas how to improve performance? I have only 6 different bitmaps, they are loaded once and reused. ARGB_8888. Of course they to not necessarilly match actual displayed size.
Would I get better performance if I pre render them for actual display size after my layout was measured?
Or shall I bite the bullet and pre render one big bitmap with my game state just for scrolling?
You should be sure that you do not make Android to use scaling of the images while drawing.
Try to use previously scaled images, as in Draw a scaled bitmap to the canvas?