I want to display documents on my website. The server is hosted on a Debian machine. I was thinking I can allow the upload of support documents then use a Linux app or PHP app to convert the doc into PDF and display that in an HTML page. Are there any APIs or binaries that allow me to do this?
如果是Office文档,一种选择是在无头模式下使用openoffice.请参阅此处以获取显示以下内容的python脚本: http://www.oooninja.com/2008/02/batch-command-line-file-conversion-with.html
If it is an office document, one option would be to use openoffice in headless mode. See here for a python script that shows how: http://www.oooninja.com/2008/02/batch-command-line-file-conversion-with.html
If it is any other kind of document (e.g. your own XML document), then you would need to do a bit more work. I have had some success using XSL to define a translation to docbook format, then using docbook tools to generate the PDF (and various other formats). You could also use XSL to go straight to PDF if you need more precise control over how things look.