


I am writing a plugin for a Java application. I could obfuscate the plugin, but it would still be easily reverse engineered.

我相信如果我可以将这个插件编译成共享库,它大量使用JNI进行通信在主要应用程序中,逆向工程将更加困难。我愿意为JNI牺牲一些性能,而我编写的应用程序确实支持共享库加载。唯一的问题是我不知道有一个工具可以完成这项工作:gcj似乎依赖于它自己的运行时和IKVM.NET - 在.NET上

I believe that if I could compile this plugin to a shared library, which heavily uses JNI to communicate with the main application, it would be much harder to reverse engineer. I am willing to sacrifice some performance to JNI, and the application I am coding against does support shared library loading. The only problem is that I am not aware of a tool which does the job: gcj seems to depend on its own runtime and IKVM.NET - on .NET


public class PluginImpl implements Plugin {
    public void startPlugin(PluginContext ctx) {


public class PluginImpl implements Plugin {
    public native void startPlugin(PluginContext ctx);


and the body of my startPlugin method is compiled into a shared library.


(well, yes, I know, I could have written this plugin in C in first place)



You can't really use anything for code obfuscation if you are distributing executable code in any form. Any executable code can be reverse engineered. This is a business problem not a technical problem, and it is solved by busniess means: licence agreements, price, time to market, or most probably a more realistic assessment of the risks and values, i.e. admitting to yourself that your code just isn't that valuable. Alternatively deliver your product as a service rather than as an executable.


07-17 20:27