本文介绍了将命令行参数传递给 javaws (Java WebStart) 可执行文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Summary for those who might not want to read that much:

我想知道是否有办法将ad-hoc"命令行参数传递给 javaws 可执行文件.我已经知道如何在 JNLP 文件中指定它们:

I would like to know if there is a way to pass "ad-hoc" command line arguments to the javaws executable. I already know how to specify them in JNLP file:

<application-desc main-class="org.example.ClassName">


While this can be used for what i want to accomplish, i treat this as a workaround.I tried

javaws http://example.org/launch.jnlp <some CLI args here>

但是我认为这里有一些 CLI 参数"被忽略了.

But "some CLI args here" were just ignored, i think.

如果我们可以将 ad-hoc 命令行参数传递给 javaws,那么 javaws 应用程序可能更像是一等公民"普通应用程序".例如.我们可以传递要打开的文件的文件名.像例如

If we could pass ad-hoc command-line args to javaws, then javaws apps could be more like "1st class citizen" "ordinary application". E.g. we could pass filenames of files to be opened.Like e.g.

javaws [options] http://example.org/launch.jnlp my_file.jpg

在 JNLP 中硬编码参数不能满足这个用例.

Having arguments hardcoded in JNLP does not satisfy this use case.



There is nothing to confuse. The very straight answer which I tested and it is working perrfect.

向任何 JNLP 发送命令行参数非常简单.

To send the command line argument to any JNLP is very simple.

命令提示符> javaws -open space arg1 space arg2 ... space arg n JNLP url


c:\>javaws -open arg1 arg2 arg3 c:\myjnlp.jnlp

但是请记住一件事,我们可以在main方法中将-open也作为args[0],所以只要避免args[0].也无法避免 -open 直接参数以 - 为前缀.

But remember one thing, We can get the -open also as args[0] in main method, so just avoid args[0]. Also it is not possible to avoid -open with direct argument prepixed with -.

这篇关于将命令行参数传递给 javaws (Java WebStart) 可执行文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 20:00