


Basically, I am trying to filter the results of a CUBESET function in Excel according to a slicer, and I'm not really getting anywhere.


I have a two-column table of clients and the state they belong to, and a slicer of states that the user can filter with. There are some other parts of the sheet where I want to display all of the clients in the selected state in the cells, so I'm hoping to use CUBERANKEDMEMBER with a CUBESET that is filtered by the slicer. For a basic case where I hard code a value, I've tried:

= CUBESET("server\Clients", "FILTER([Client List].[FULL_NAME].Members,
[Client List].[State].Currentmember.Membervalue = 'QUEENSLAND')")`

但是这里的结果是空的(我用CUBESETCOUNT检查过).我确定问题是因为过滤器会循环遍历[Client List].[FULL_NAME].Members,但是我正在尝试对[Client List].[State]进行过滤.

But the result here is empty (which I checked using CUBESETCOUNT). I'm sure that the problem is because the filter iterates through [Client List].[FULL_NAME].Members but I'm trying to filter on [Client List].[State].


If something like this works, what I'd like to do is something like:

= CUBESET("server\Clients", "FILTER([Client List].[FULL_NAME].Members,
[Client List].[State].Currentmember.Membervalue = Slicer_State)")


knowing that only 1 state will ever be selected at a time.


I don't really know much about MDX so I suspect the answer is there but I'm not sure what to try.



I think in terms of yourfirst hard-coded script:

=CUBESET("server\Clients", "FILTER([Client List].[FULL_NAME].Members, [Client List].[State].Currentmember.Membervalue = 'QUEENSLAND')")

您应该能够使用EXISTS: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/mdx/exists-mdx

=CUBESET("server\Clients", "EXISTS([Client List].[FULL_NAME].[FULL_NAME].MEMBERS, {[Client List].[State].&[QUEENSLAND]})")


But it is worth harcoding the following, even simpler scripts to check that each element of the above is correct:

=CUBESETCOUNT(CUBESET("server\Clients", "[Client List].[FULL_NAME].[FULL_NAME].MEMBERS")) // should return the number of members in full_name

=CUBESETCOUNT(CUBESET("server\Clients", "{[Client List].[State].&[QUEENSLAND]}")) // should return 1


07-17 19:49