我使用 $ http.get
和 $ http。发布
当前我在每次调用时都有 .success(doSomething).error(doSomething)
我阅读了有关使用拦截器的 myapp.something
请协助 解决方案
我使用 $ http.get
和 $ http。发布
当前我在每次调用时都有 .success(doSomething).error(doSomething)
我阅读了有关使用拦截器的 myapp.something
请协助 解决方案
响应拦截器在配置阶段的angularjs应用程序。您可以使用它们全局响应任何$ http请求。请注意,模板文件也使用$ http请求,因此您可能希望将拦截器中的某些请求过滤为您希望响应的请求。
$ httpProvider.responseInterceptors.push('globalInterceptor');
//函数($ httpProvider){
.factory('globalInterceptor',function($ q){
return function(promise){
return promise.then(function(response){
//这样,$ http请求的使用者将知道它的错误以及
return $ q.reject(response);
I am using $http.get
and $http.post
all over my code. I am kind of lost as to how to handle errors that occur during these calls in a global fashion.Currently I have .success(doSomething).error(doSomething)
on every call.
I would like to change this and instead simply display the error on top of my page.
I read about using interceptors with myapp.something
. But I absolutely do not understand how to implement this.
Kindly assist
Response interceptors are attached during the config phase of an angularjs app. You can use them to globally respond to any $http request. Be aware, template files also use $http request, so you may wish to filter some requests in your interceptor to only the ones you wish to respond to.
A good understanding of the promises pattern is needed to successfully use response interceptors.
Heres an example of how they are used:
//Here we're adding our interceptor.
//Here we define our interceptor
.factory('globalInterceptor', function($q){
//When the interceptor runs, it is passed a promise object
return function(promise){
//In an interceptor, we return another promise created by the .then function.
return promise.then(function(response){
//Do your code here if the response was successful
//Always be sure to return a response for your application code to react to as well
return response;
}, function(response){
//Do your error handling code here if the response was unsuccessful
//Be sure to return a reject if you cannot recover from the error somehow.
//This way, the consumer of the $http request will know its an error as well
return $q.reject(response);
这篇关于在Angularjs中处理$ http.get和$ http.post错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!