I want to share my crashlytics crash report to some 3rd parties.How can I get a publicly accessible url like below?
我似乎在我的Fabric crashlytics仪表盘中找不到。
I am bit new here, is it a old deprecated crashlytics feature?I don't seem to find in my fabric crashlytics dashboard.
Zubair-来自Fabric / Firebase。好问题。我们已弃用了共享链接功能,因此这些链接将不再可用。决定放弃对它的支持是基于客户的反馈,因为我们不打算将共享链接功能转移到Firebase。
Zubair - from Fabric/Firebase. Great question. We deprecated that share link feature, so those won’t be accessible anymore. The decision to drop support for it was based on customer feedback, and because we don’t plan to carry over the share links feature over to Firebase.
如果您经常使用该功能,但是作为一种解决方法,我建议下载stacktrace并使用 Download .txt文件按钮发布详细信息,然后共享该按钮。
Definitely not ideal if you were using that feature a lot, but as a workaround I recommend downloading the stacktrace and issue details with the "Download .txt" file button and sharing that instead.