本文介绍了TestFlight Live,QuincyKit和Crashlytics之间的比较的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am going to launch my app on the AppStore and I would like to keep track of crashes and fix them as soon as possible. If possible, it would be nice to collect also some additional information about user activity and other useful stuff.In order to do so, I have looked for some crash reporting tools and the most interesting ones I have found are: TestFlight Live, QuincyKit and Crashlytics.


Among those three, QuincyKit should be the lightest one but the other two seem to be quite interesting since they provide more sophisticated reports and other interesting stuff.


My goal is to have as many information as I can on any issue the user can experience, but at the same time I don't want to make the app slower or consume more resources.

  1. 在您看来,根据您的个人经验,这些工具中的哪一种是最好的(考虑到我的目标和我的需求)?

  2. 通过使用TestFlight Live或Crashlytics我会让我的应用程序太慢?

  3. 设备过载是否存在风险?

  4. QuincyKit提供的报告是否足够精确?我可以从中检索多少信息?

  1. In your opinion and from your personal experience, which of these tools is the best one (taking into account my goal and my needs)?
  2. By using TestFlight Live or Crashlytics I would make my app too slow?
  3. Is there a risk to overload the device?
  4. Reports provided by QuincyKit are precise enough? How many information can I retrieve from them?




I am using Crashlytics for crash reporting (yes, it seems to be really great) and TestFlight for tracking user activity (checkpoints are really useful to find out what users generally do and figure out what the tendency is).I followed the instructions written here



I honestly think Crashlytics is a better solution than Testflight for crash reporting.


Here's what you get with Crashlytics that you don't get with the others.

  • 重复剔除(TF也做到这一点,但它不太好,Crashlytics接近完美)

  • 你实际上可以将崩溃标记为已关闭/已解决,并将它们从列表中删除给定版本。

  • Crashlytics执行TF的崩溃报告所做的一切,但更好,然后一些(记录,堆栈跟踪等)

  • 受影响的百分比用户,以及随之而来的数字。 (即:我应该修复发生在一个人身上的错误,或发生在10k的错误吗?)Testflight没有告诉你这个。

  • 基于事件的优先级。这可能是我认为最重要的收获。

  • Duplicate culling (TF does this too, but its not too great at it, Crashlytics is damned near perfect)
  • You can actually mark crashes as closed/resolved, and get them out of your list for a given version.
  • Crashlytics does everything TF's Crash reporting does, but better and then some (logging, stack traces, etc.)
  • Percentage of affected users, and the numbers that go with that. (ie: should i fix the bug that happened to one guy, or the one that's happening to 10k?) Testflight doesn't tell you this.
  • Prioritization based on occurrence. This is probably the most important gain in my opinion.


These are just a few, but I figure they're probably the most important ones for you.

我们在极受欢迎的应用程序(数百万D / Ls)上使用了Testflight的近2年崩溃报告。它肯定比什么都没有好,如果你也使用TF进行分发也非常方便,但是你可以从Crashlytics获得更多的好处。今年夏天我们切换到了Crashlytics,现在我们实际上能够管理崩溃并做出明智的决定,而不仅仅是筛选一个巨大的永无止境的清单。

We used Testflight's crash reporting for close to 2 years on an extremely popular app (several million D/Ls). Its definitely better than nothing, and very convenient if you're using TF for distribution as well, however you get many more benefits from Crashlytics. We switched to Crashlytics this summer and now we're actually able to manage crashes and make smart decisions about what to fix and when, instead of just sifting through a giant never ending list.


I see you already accepted an answer, but I'd seriously give it another look even if you opt to continue with Testflight. I've found its hard to really grasp what you're missing until your app has shipped, at which point is even harder to change.

这篇关于TestFlight Live,QuincyKit和Crashlytics之间的比较的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 08:47