I am trying top use parse.com for an app but I need the information in the phone to update when something changes in the server. is there a way to do continuous checks or for the server to let the phone know when some change has been done in the server? I checked all their documentation but I couldn't find anything
In 2016, the answers appearing so far are unfortunately literally totally wrong!!
It would be like asking in 1980 "how to store data" ...... and not knowing that "databases" exist!
当然,你只需要使用 PubNub
还是今天给你提供的任何其他其他presence系统。 火力地堡
Of course, you just use PubNub
or any other other presence systems available to you today. Firebase
is particularly easy.
这些解决方案将 code的一行或两行的,它是如此简单,它甚至不值得一提的是如何做到这一点。
These solutions take one or two lines of code, it's so simple it's not even worth mentioning here how to do it.
Note too pudm that your question somewhat misses the mark: to be an iOS or Android programmer today, means that you are a PubNub (or Firebase, etc) programmer. What else is there? Every single app, other than the most trivial, now demands "live presence". That's sort of "all there is" to the business (other than our designer friends who do the graphics).
当然,你通常还必须专家,Parse.com或其他巴斯云数据的情况。但应用的今天根本的方面是活presence。除此之外,它只是一个位的iOS / Android的程序,这是刚刚走动的按钮。
Of course, you generally also have to be expert with Parse.com or other "baas" cloud data situation. But the "fundamental" aspect of apps today is "live presence". Other than that it's just a bit of iOS/Android programming, which is just moving buttons around.
同样幸运的是这绝对是微不足道的使用PubNub - 点击他们的网站的惊人演示之一。 (火力地堡需要一点时间来得到一起去,但当时在某些方面更容易 - 反正都是容易让你所有的设置)
Again fortunately it's absolutely trivial to use PubNub - click to their web site for one of the amazing demos. (Firebase takes a little longer to get going with but it's then easier in some ways -- anyways both are easy so you're all set.)
BTW它是解析尚未对业务的持续谜团之一(2016年年初)综合presence 解析。
BTW it's one of the ongoing mysteries of the business that Parse has not yet (early 2016) integrated presence to Parse.
当你说我会用解析,然后在案件100.0000%,意思是我要使用解析......和PubNub(或......和火力地堡,或者 ...并推,或任何您的公司决定的)。所以这是相当惊人的,解析尚未作出一个总的解决方案。这是唯一的一次(今年?)的事情他们做之前。
When you say "I'm going to use Parse", then in 100.0000% of cases that means "I'm going to use Parse ... and PubNub" (or "... and Firebase", or "... and Pusher", or whatever your company decides on). So it is quite amazing that Parse have not yet made a "total" solution. It's only a matter of time (this year?) before they do that.